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Le parole dell’inverno in inglese | Winter Words – Winter Vocabulary

Le parole dell’inverno in inglese | Winter Words – Winter Vocabulary
#winterwords #wintervocabulary #englishvocabulary
Impara alcune semplici parole in inglese relative all’inverno e al freddo. L’inverno è un bel periodo dell’anno, quando puoi divertirti molto, puoi andare in slittino, pattinare o sciare, costruire un pupazzo di neve.

Learn some simple words in English related to winter and the cold weather. Winter is a beautiful time of the year, when you can have a lot of fun, you can go sledding, skating or skiing, build a snowman and much more.

#pictureflashcards #winter #wintersports #winterclothes

Music: Winter Joy by Keys of Moon |
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